Technology is everywhere. Even more so for children, who start using technology in some shape or form from a very young age. Many Australian homes have multiple television sets, computers, tablets, and phones for children to find and play with.
Research shows that the average teenager spends around 11 hours per day with media. Add that time up and young people are spending more time with technology than they do in school. It is the leading activity for teenagers other than sleeping.
Today’s teenagers are very accustomed to a digital lifestyle. Looking at this issue from a family perspective, it is getting harder for parents to understand and adapt to this digital life of their children. Give a teenager an internet connection, and you instantly have a worried parent.
Whether we like it or not, we live in a digital world. Technology exists in everything we do. And for teens, it will most likely become an integral part of their future careers.
According to, young people use the internet and social media to:
So as parents, how can we help guide our teens to make sensible choices when it comes to using technology?
As parents, you should start educating yourself on today’s technology. First, begin to keep up with your children by observing their experiences and ask questions. They may prefer to do some daily activities such as reading books and shopping digitally. You should also teach and model kindness and good manners online.
Trust is a two-way street with technology and teenagers. Tell your teen that you trust him or her, but if the trust gets broken, he or she will enjoy fewer freedoms until it’s rebuilt. If you feel your child’s safety is in danger, do not hesitate to investigate.
Create an open dialogue with your teenager about social media use. As a parent you should set rules about what apps they can use, how much time they spend on it and whether they should or shouldn’t share their passwords with you.
Help your teenager understand the actions they make online can also have consequences in real life. Let them know you are there to support and not judge if anything concerns them. They need to know they can trust you and you will help them if needed. Be supportive and try to understand things from their perspective.
The benefits of technology, if used moderately and appropriately, can be great for teenagers. However, face-to-face time with family plays a pivotal role in promoting learning and healthy development. Ensure you maintain this quality time as a priority with teenagers and don’t let it get lost behind a stream of media and tech.
Tiny Terrors provide in-home parenting and behaviour support services. You can schedule an appointment by contacting us at 1300 001 414 and discuss your individual requirements.